Maria  Garcia

Maria Garcia

Leadership Coordinator

I am excited to begin my work with MSS as the Coordinator and to be a part of the MSS family! I look forward to working with students and staff in navigating what it means to be a Compass Mentor. Mentorship is a unique experience and I want to honor that in the work that I do for MSS. I am from the San Francisco Bay Area and frequently like to visit. I have graduated from WSU two times. So, I am a proud WSU Cougar! I am currently a Ph.D. student in the Cultural Studies and Social Thought in Education Program within the College of Education. My research focuses on Chicanx identity and assimilation in educational spaces. Some of my hobbies include being a plant mom to many house plants, spending time with friends and family, and watching movies. My favorite movies are Spirited Away, Black Panther, and Wakanda Forever.